
Superbet Foundation helps Bagdasar Hospital in the fight against Covid-19

Covid 19 has sounded the alarm for each of us, but unfortunately, the fight against this relentless disease has become increasingly difficult for the health system and for the heroes in hospitals, on the front line.

October 2021 – Bagdasar Arseni Hospital was facing a major problem, a failure of two of the oxygen machines that the hospital has. Patients’ lives were at stake.

The Superbet Foundation takes a stand: it immediately equips the hospital with two more oxygen concentrators, absolutely necessary devices for patients admitted to the ATI. Borderline situations require quick solutions.

In high-risk situations, we are aware that our involvement can make a difference, and the fight against Covid-19 has motivated us to be more united in saving patients seriously affected by this virus.

Doctors have the first merit in saving patients, but their efforts must be complemented by specialized equipment and financial resources. This is where we decided to intervene, and the endowment of the Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital is just another step in what it means to involve the Superbet Foundation in the anti-Covid fight, after the actions taken starting from spring 2020.

Until the end of November 2021, the Superbet Foundation will donate to several hospitals, some of the most necessary medical equipment – oxygen concentrators, to help the Romanian health system overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 virus.

We are aware that only together we can save lives. Together we will get through this pandemic. The doctors do their duty with abundance (and we thank them for their superhuman efforts to save others). The Superbet Foundation is with them.

 What can you do? Get vaccinated and take all the protective measures you need!


The Superbet Foundation celebrated “White Cane Day”

Superbet Foundation is always with the champions, regardless of the obstacles they face.

Friday, October 15, was “White Cane Day”, an event dedicated to blind champions who had the courage to “look” beyond any problem they face. Discouragement can often be a first instinct when faced with a difficult situation, but Paralympic champions have shown us that their motivation can exceed expectations. Cold and muscle pain were the most formidable opponents in the big competitions, but not strong enough to stop them from conquering the prizes obtained. 

With the financial support from the Superbet Foundation, the Climb Again Association was able to support its athletes in several international competitions held during this year, having one of the largest batches present at the Paraclimbing World Championship. The will of the team impressed us beyond measure, and their efforts motivate us to be with them in future competitions as well. 

White Cane Day was accompanied by good cheer, and the stories of the Climb Again champions made us understand that their ambition lies above any altitude reached. The event started with a series of climbs in which the junior team demonstrated our motor skills, and was completed by a clay modeling session in which art and sport merged wonderfully. White Cane Day ended with public applause after the stories told by Răzvan Nedu, a young man with more than 10 prizes won in major international competitions, who, although only 1% sighted, managed to climb Elbrus (5,642m)

White Cane Day reminded us again that will is above all else and that our support can bring about remarkable achievements. With the help of the Superbet Foundation, the national paraclimbing team ensured its participation in the most important competitions, having medaled athletes in all events. We are proud to be with them and sure that the future holds even more medals for them.


The Superbet Foundation was present at the 21st edition of the “Lighting in Pink” event

Starting from 2020, the Superbet Foundation, as the main sponsor of the Renaștearea Foundation, is showing its support to the heroines who beat breast cancer by lighting up one of the capital’s beautiful buildings in pink.

Prevention is the best way to maintain the best possible state of health or to find out in time if there is a problem, to intervene before it is too late. The “Iluminare en roz” event has as its first goal to bring prevention back to the attention of women everywhere.

Starting at 19:00, we were present in front of the former Marmorosch Bank building in the Old Center of Bucharest, to watch the light show dedicated to the heroines who defeated one of the most dangerous diseases of the moment. Completed by the solidarity of the participants, the color pink acquired a strong meaning, being a message of support intended for all women fighting this disease.

We gathered in great numbers!

The presence of the Superbet Foundation was also felt by the large number of participants in the “Iluminarii in Roz” preparatory event, namely the RACE FOR CURE race, organized with the same goal, that of the fight against breast cancer. As in 2020, the Superbet Foundation team was the most numerous.

Lack of time is a problem we all face, but we firmly believe that health comes first, and a regular checkup should be part of every woman’s schedule.

Unfortunately, far too many women also encounter financial problems or live too far from a hospital or simply do not have the necessary medical education, which prevents them from ensuring a periodic checkup to prevent medical complications. Here we assumed the mission of being Superheroes and managed, together with the Renașteara Foundation, to provide them with some of the necessary support, through the campaigns carried out.

SuperAmbassadors showed their support

This year’s edition of “Iluminarii in Roz” was hosted by the well-known presenter Andreea Esca, and among the participating personalities were also our SuperAmbassadors, Ana Maria Popescu (Brânza) and Cătălin Moroșanu. Our champions each gave a speech on the importance of breast cancer prevention and sent a clear call to all women. “Go to the doctor and take care of your own health”

The first among donors!

We like to be the first when it comes to helping others, which is why the volunteers of the Superbet team donated this year, as in 2020, the largest amount of money to help women who are unable to provide a periodic medical check-up.  

Together with these kind-hearted volunteers, we are sounding the alarm for women everywhere:

Go to the doctor! Cancer spreads if you do nothing. Every day counts. A simple check can save your life!  


Garry Kasparov gives a chess lesson for children, at the opening of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 chess tournament

The best chess player of all time,  the multiple world champion  Garry Kasparov, will give a chess lesson for children, on June 4, during the official opening ceremony of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 chess tournament, which will represent the first stage of of the Grand Chess Tour  2021 world competition .

The lesson will have two components. Garry Kasparov will make recommendations from his experience and give explanations especially for children, during an inspirational conference that he will give at the ceremony. Afterwards, 12 children with medals at the National Championships – girls and boys – will participate in a simultaneity offered by Garry Kasparov and the grandmasters participating in the Grand Chess Tour.

Garry Kasparov’s recommendations for the youngest chess players will be able to be watched by children and lovers of the mind sport, during the  live broadcast  of the Opening Ceremony, on the  SuperChess Youtube page and on the  Superchess Facebook page , as well as in the recordings that will stay online.

“We want to encourage children and young people in Romania to discover and love chess. We want chess to become one of the tools through which young generations learn to develop their mind, imagination and strategic thinking. That is why, in the opening of the first stage of the  Grand Chess Tour  2021 , Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021,  we have a chess lesson for children in Romania. Garry Kasparov can inspire and attract children to this special sport, just as he can send a message to the younger generation to find the resources to reinvent themselves after the pandemic with an educated mind”, he declared Augusta Dragic, president of the Board of Directors of the Superbet Foundation.

The opening ceremony of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 chess tournament was conceived as a celebration of the educated mind and will include several moments, all of which will be broadcast live on the website  and on the  Superchess Facebook page  . We present them below, with the mention that the full details of the event will be broadcast on June 3, 2021, after the completion of all organizational elements:

13.00 – 14.05  The first part of the official opening ceremony of the  Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 tournament:  the messages of the organizers and special guests; presentation of the players; the draw for the order of the contest, the first move with Garry Kasparov, which marks the symbolic opening of the tournament, questions from the press.

14.05 – 16.00 The second part of the official opening ceremony of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 tournament:

14.05 – 14.55 – Inspirational conference held by Garry Kasparov, with the theme  “Change your life. Make your move”,  in the form of an interview and a children’s chess lesson, followed by questions and answers with guests from the room, including children.

15.00 – 16.00 – Demonstration chess games simultaneously, with the participation of 12 child national chess champions, the 10 players registered in the tournament, Garry Kasparov and some guests from various socio-professional fields.


The opening event aims to convey, especially to young people, but also to chess lovers and the general public, a message of confidence and renewal of one’s own strength, after the difficult experience of the pandemic, summarized in the slogan of the edition: “Change your life. Make your move. With Kasparov” . 

The chess competition that will take place in Bucharest between June 5-14 is the first of five stages in the world circuit founded by Garry Kasparov,   Grand Chess  Tour 2021 . The organizers are the Romanian Chess Federation, the Superbet Foundation and the Grand Chess Tour (GCT). 10 internationally recognized chess players will participate, including Romania’s best chess player, who was confirmed by the GCT as a wildcard . The registered chess players are:  Fabiano Caruana ; Levon Aronian ; Anish Giri ; Alexander Grischuk; Wesley So ; Shakhriyar Mamedyarov ;  _ _ _ Teimour Radjabov; Maxime Vachier-Lagrave ; Richard Rapport, Constantin Lupulescu.

The competition will be classical chess, unlike the 2019 edition hosted by Romania, which was rapid and blitz chess. Chess players will play in a tournament system, that is, each against each other, and the winner will be decided based on the accumulated points. The prizes of the stage in Bucharest amount to 325,000 dollars. 

Public health information

 Both the opening ceremony and the chess tournament will be held in compliance with health protection rules. Access will be based on proof of vaccination, proof of the presence of sar-cov-2 antibodies, or a negative result of a rapid test, done at the entrance. The spaces will be set up respecting the physical distance between the participants. The mask will be mandatory.


Event Support:

Main sponsor: Superbet

Sponsor: One United


Additional details: Oana Marinescu, ; Oana ; 0741278737

Change your life. Make your move. With Kasparov

Garry Kasparov gives  a chess lesson for children, at the opening  of the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 chess tournament

Accreditation of journalists for the event continues until June 3 


Garry Kasparov comes to Bucharest to inaugurate the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021, part of the Grand Chess Tour™ 2021

Change your life. Make your move. With Kasparov

Garry Kasparov  comes  to Bucharest to inaugurate the Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 chess tournament, within the Grand Chess Tour™ 2021 

The tournament’s opening ceremony: a celebration of the educated mind and inspiration for young people to renew their resources, after the shock of the pandemic, through chess.

Accreditation of journalists for the event begins

The first stage of the Grand Chess Tour™ 2021 circuit – Superbet Chess Classic Romania 2021 – will take place in Bucharest, from June 5-14, 2021, and will be inaugurated on June 4, with an official ceremony dedicated to the educated mind and honored by the extraordinary participation of the greatest chess player of all time,  multiple world champion  Garry Kasparov.

The opening event aims to convey, especially to young people, but also to chess lovers and the general public, a message of confidence and renewal of one’s own strength, after the difficult experience of the pandemic, summarized in the slogan of the edition: “Change your life. Make your move. With Kasparov” . 

“Together with Garry Kasparov, we want to encourage the younger generation to discover chess as a sport of the mind and as a tool for education and self-education to face the most difficult moments that young people can face in their lives.  We want to inspire young people to look for successful role models who can help them make the right choices in life,” said Augusta Dragic, President of the Superbet Foundation, co-organizer of the opening ceremony and the tournament.

The opening ceremony will take place on June 4, starting at 1 p.m., at  Face Convention (Piața Presei Libere, 3-5, Bucharest) , and will consist of a press conference, followed by the first move, made by Garry Kasparov together with a special guest, player draw and a series of invitational events featuring the 10 chess players entered in the tournament and International Grandmaster Kasparov. The full agenda of the event will be communicated later.

The chess competition that will take place in Bucharest between June 5-14 is the first of five stages in the world circuit founded by Garry Kasparov,  Grand Chess Tour™ 2021 . The organizers are the Romanian Chess Federation, the Superbet Foundation and the Grand Chess Tour (GCT). 10 internationally recognized chess players will participate, including Romania’s best chess player, who was confirmed by (GCT) as a  wildcard . The registered chess players are:  Fabiano Caruana ; Levon Aronian ; Anish Giri ; Alexander Grischuk; Wesley So ; Shakhriyar Mamedyarov ; Teimour Radjabov; Maxime Vachier-Lagrave ; Richard Rapport, Constantin Lupulescu.

The competition will be classical chess, unlike the 2019 edition hosted by Romania, which was rapid and blitz chess. Chess players will play in a tournament system, that is, each against each other, and the winner will be decided based on the accumulated points. Prizes for the Bucharest stage amount to USD 325,000.

Hierarchy of players registered in the stage from Bucharest:




Type of player


FIDE Rating

URS Rating


Caruana, Fabiano

Basic player





Aronian, Levon

Basic player





Giri, Anish

Basic player





Grischuk, Alexander

Basic player





So, Wesley

Basic player





Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar

Basic player





Radjabov, Teimour

Basic player





Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime

Basic player





Rapport, Richard

Basic player





Lupulescu, Constantin

Wild card





Public health information

The opening ceremony and the chess tournament will be held in compliance with health protection rules. Access will be based on proof of vaccination, proof of the presence of sar-cov-2 antibodies, or a negative result of a rapid test, done at the entrance. The spaces will be set up respecting the physical distance between the participants. The mask will be mandatory inside.


Event support

Main sponsor: Superbet

Sponsor: One United

Additional details: ; ; 0741278737


The Superbet Foundation together with the authors of the “Don’t Take Them for Granted” project

Bucharest, October 13, 2020  –  For those who may still doubt that the COVID-19 infection is as serious as it gets, a collection of photos documenting over 70 hours of the fight against COVID-19 can be seen in  George Square Enescu  from Bucharest.

It is about the  “Don’t Take Them for Granted” project,  dedicated to the medical staff and all those on the front line, who have been fighting the virus day by day for eight months. There are impressive moments captured even in the ATI wards of three Bucharest hospitals – the National Institute of Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Balș”, the ROL 2 Military Hospital and the University Emergency Hospital.  

The Superbet Foundation, together with three other companies and entities such as ARCUB, Bucharest City Hall and the Ministry of Defense made possible the step to transform the invisible into the visible: two artists,  Cristian Movilă  and  Capucine Gros  , photographed the doctors of the three hospitals, even on the battlefield with a disease that  has already claimed  over a million victims worldwide and over 5,400 in Romania.

 “Involvement in ‘ Do n’t take them for granted ‘ is a continuation of the Superbet  Foundation’s efforts to be  with those who save lives .  If from March until now we have chosen to concretely help the medical staff with protective equipment, biocides and tests, this time we have chosen an artistic project that highlights the superefforts that some of our peers make every day. I was impressed not only by the access for the public eye to the scenes of the battle for life, but also by this call for empathy and the need for community solidarity in such moments of crisis”,  said Augusta Dragic, president of the Superbet Foundation and a surgeon by profession.

 The artist Capucine Gros wanted to explain one of the powerful messages of the new photo-documentary – “……  remembering that we are all someone’s child is a simple and accessible idea. But on a much deeper level, it makes us see everyone else as an invisible interconnected web and not as solitary individuals. In times like these, we need empathy, solidarity and a real understanding of what the strength of a community can mean.”

 The project initiated by the UNFINISHED community also benefited from the collaboration of the actor Benedict Cumberbatch (voice over) and the gallant Chilean conceptual artist, Alfredo Jaar, recently named the winner of the prestigious HASSELBLAD prize for photography.

Starting from October 9, 2020, the installation is open to the public in George Enescu Square in Bucharest, and in the online environment, the project can be viewed on,, either via  Vimeo or  YouTube.

We remind you that within the #PariemPeBine campaign ,  initiated since  March this year, the Superbet Foundation donated protective equipment, tests and biocides to 35 hospitals in Romania. The effort was supported in partnership with two other Associations –  INACO  and  Zi de bine .

Through the Superbet Foundation, the Superbet Group, the largest sports betting operator in Romania, regularly runs CSR programs through which it gets involved in the life of the community.


A step forward for culture – Superbet Foundation supports Matricea Românească magazine

Superbet Foundation supports the continuation of the publication of Matricea Românească magazine and starts a new program of merit scholarships for students. 

The Superbet Foundation’s involvement in the Matricea Românească project is aimed at keeping the cultural pillar in the attention of young people and transmitting strong moral landmarks to posterity. 

We believe in the motto “Children are the future” and we want every child to have access to a healthy education and the freedom to choose a series of values important for a good development. 

The partnership between Superbet Foundation and Matricea Românească also includes a scholarship project for rural students. 

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of rural children are forced to drop out of the education system in Romania because of the limited possibilities. Through this scholarship project, we want to give them the opportunity to continue their studies and make the best of their lives. 

We are happy to be with our partners from Matricea Românească and we will continue to support the approach of young people and children to the cultural domain.


The tradition of culture must be preserved – Superbet Foundation supports the continuity of Dilema Veche magazine

The Superbet Foundation financially supports Dilema Veche magazine for the continuity of a cultural tradition. 

“Books make you miss places you’ve never been”, and the Superbet Foundation has chosen to partner with Dilema Veche magazine to support readers’ passion for books. 

With each book we read we enrich our knowledge, and the classic reading, on paper, retains a mystery for literary enthusiasts. Although the old methods seem more and more used, the Superbet Foundation wanted to preserve an ancient habit and keep books in physical format on the market. 

In 2020, Dilema Veche was on the verge of ending physical book printing, with online having a strong hold on readers. 

However, a good proportion of literary enthusiasts prefer to savour a good book, flicking through page by page. The smell of the paper and the sound of flipping pages remain essential to many of us. 

To carry this beautiful habit forward, the Superbet Foundation has purchased 500 weekly subscriptions over a period of 6 months.  Sales have grown exponentially and with the support of the Superbet Foundation, print has been able to get back into the hands of readers.


SuperChess Cup

SUPERCHESS CUP is a chess tournament organized for the first time by the Superbet Foundation ,  under the patronage of the Romanian Chess Federation , bringing together the most brilliant minds of Romanian chess.

Organized for the first time in 2019, in parallel with the Grand Chess Tour stage, the SuperChess tournament brought together 10 of the best Romanian chess players. They had the opportunity to be close to a world-wide competition, but also to compete for special prizes.

SuperChess Cup brought to the fore Andrei Istrațescu, Bogdan Deac, Corina Peptan, Tiberiu Georgescu, David Gavrilescu, Luminița Cosma, Lucian Miron, Mircea Pârligras and Constantin Lupulescu, the latter being also the first: he finished the competition in first place.

SuperChess will also promote the Superbet Foundation’s partnership with the Romanian Chess Federation, for the financial support  of Romania’s national chess teams.

At the same time, SuperChess supports  the Chess School , a program of the Bucharest University Chess Club, intended for all willing children or parents interested in developing their children’s thinking in a strategic and calculated way.


Romania checkmate at the biggest world circuit, the Grand Chess Tour

In November 2019, Romania hosted for the first time the GRAND CHESS TOUR, the largest chess circuit in the world. 10 of the greatest chess players on the planet came to Bucharest! We are honored and happy that the Superbet Foundation stood behind this world-class event.

Superbet Rapid & Blitz Chess Romania brought together 10 of the world’s best chess players, together with 10 of Romania’s best chess players, who competed at the SuperChess Cup 2019. The fifth edition of the Grand Chess Tour is the biggest so far. The 8 tournaments are played on four continents (Africa, Asia, Europe and America). During the competition, chess enthusiasts have the opportunity to watch exciting games in both classic and quick & blitz formats.

Between November 6 and 10, at Stejarii Country Club, world titans Anton Korobov, Fabiano Caruana, Giri Anish, Le Quang, Levon Aronian, Sergey Karjakin, Shahryar Mamedyarov, Viswanathan Anand, Vladislav Artemiev and Wesley So battled for the title of the best, which went to Aronian in the end.

2019 also represented a premiere: it was the first year of the SuperChess Cup competition, which brought Andrei Istrațescu, Bogdan Deac, Corina Peptan, Tiberiu Georgescu, David Gavrilescu, Luminița Cosma, Lucian Miron, Mircea Pârligras and Constantin Lupulescu to the forefront, this the latter being the former: he finished the competition in first place.

The former great glory of tennis, Boris Becker, made the first move on the chessboard, followed by Romanian sports legends Virgil Stănescu, Elisabeta Lipa, Marius Urzică and Mihai Covaliu.

The Superbet Foundation is the partner of the Romanian Chess Federation, for the financial support of the national chess teams of Romania and also supports the Chess School, a program of the Bucharest University Chess Club.

The Superbet Foundation aims to support and promote Romanian chess, the development of this sport which actually means the development of the society in which we live. We encourage and support children to practice this noble sport and invest in the brilliant minds of Romania.

We also invite other companies to join us and from a bit of a pawn to become champions together and support Romanian sport.