Without Barriers with Górnik

As the Main Sponsor of Górnik Zabrze, we proudly support not only the club itself, but also its fans. Superbet’s cooperation with the Górnik Zabrze Disabled Fan Club, under which we work extensively to improve the situation of fans with disabilities at Polish football stadiums, is a crucial element of such support.
During the Great Silesian Derby, i.e. the clash between Górnik and Ruch Chorzów, we actively joined the ongoing “Stadiums without barriers” campaign, honouring the fans with disabilities present at this prestigious meeting. Zabrze can boast one of the largest of such fan clubs, whose members had the opportunity to meet Jerzy Dudek and receive dedicated club scarves before the match against Ruch. In addition, Superbet donated several valuable sports artefacts to be auctioned through its ambassador, and the proceeds from their sale were allocated to the implementation of the statutory goals of the Górnik Zabrze Disabled Fan Club. Collectors and sports fans had the opportunity to obtain a chessboard signed by grandmasters, including Jan-Krzysztof Duda and Magnus Carlsen, a Górnik T-shirt autographed by Lukas Podolski, and a ball signed by Jerzy Dudek.
Yet another step in reducing the barriers between able-bodied and disabled fans was the appearance of the President of the Zabrze KKN, Adam Roczniok, in the morning broadcast of Kanał Sportowy, the most important sports medium on Polish YouTube. In the broadcast, a disabled Górnik fan talked about the association’s activities, joint activities with Superbet and plans for the future, making sports fans from all over Poland aware not only of the existence of fans with disabilities, but also their work for their beloved team.