
Superbet generously supports Stadiums Without Barriers


Another weekend of the “Stadiums Without Barriers” campaign and another thousands of zlotys, thanks to the involvement of fans and the Superbet brand, will go to Disabled Supporters’ Clubs. After the great success of the event in Zabrze, where before the international break, fans flocked to a special dart zone to raise money for fans with disabilities, it was time for more stadiums. This time, the special zone visited Katowice and Tychy.

The rules of the campaign were simple and attractive for sports fans – just approach the dartboard in the special Superbet zone located during the home matches of GieKSa and GKS Tychy and show your dart skills. The more accurate the throws, the more funds Superbet donate to the activation of fans with disabilities, associated with the Disabled Supporters’ Club of GKS Katowice and the same entity supporting GKS Tychy. Each point on the dartboard equaled one zloty in the pool.

On Friday, the special dart zone visited Katowice during the GieKSa match against Widzew Łódź. The Katowice audience, enjoying their return to the elite after a long break, eagerly joined in helping people with disabilities, flocking to try their hand at dart throwing. It was no different on Monday in Tychy, during the derby clash between GKS and Ruch Chorzów. Everyone was united not only by the desire to loudly support their favorites but also by the common goal of doing good.

Fans of all three clubs (including the earlier visit to Zabrze at the Górnik stadium) impressed not only with their involvement and the number of people who showed up in the Superbet zone. They also demonstrated that they are familiar with dart games and have top-notch hand-eye coordination. Thanks to them, Superbet donated a total of 20,000 zlotys to the stadium activation of fans with disabilities, joining the nationwide “Stadiums Without Barriers” campaign.

“Football is a beautiful sport, also because of its inclusiveness. There is no place for any barriers in football. Increasingly modern infrastructure helps ensure that fans with disabilities can also enjoy the sport. Thanks to the involvement of fans in our special dart zones, Disabled Supporters’ Clubs received additional funds for statutory purposes. And what makes us happiest is that it is really one group of fans helping another. It is an honor for us to be able to support this financially,” emphasizes Łukasz Seweryniak, general manager of Superbet Poland.